Thursday, March 5, 2015

Behavior of Testers inside development team

Usually, during interviewing Testing engineer Managers are trying to understand can this person be Testing Engineer or no. It's not so easy to be Tester as team member. It's not so easy to work with Testing team or Testing Engineers. Of course, all team is working for one product and everybody want to do their best for product, but sometimes team members don't want to recognize, that there are bugs or that bug is about their work. And for that Testers are - to talk with team members and try to tell them why it is bug and why they need to fix it.

Sometimes happening not good discussions inside team about some bugs or faults. For example, when Testers are finding bugs, at first they're feeling happy and if Tester is newbie and finding bug in code of old developer, and saying about bug not right, it's bringing to problems inside team. It is very important to write right bug description, if needed there should be screenshots. Tester need to write detailed information about bug and steps for reproducing bug. In description there should be information about environment that was used (operation system, browser, browser version, screen resolution etc), date and time, build number. Tester is one of team members, who can say that bug has high or low priority. Tester need to understand product very good and know every little part of product, for final report to Product Owner.

Tester need to talk with all members of team and be sure that everyone understands one thing. Quality over quality! Nobody want to use/bye product with bugs. But sometimes happening some things, that everyone need to avoid it.

There are many kind of developers and Testers, who're working in many ways. Testers need to understand, that he/she is the not the only one, who's responsible for quality but he/she is the last person, who is checking product before client. There are many developers, who is saying "this is not a bug, please, close this issue". When something like this is happening, Tester need to substantiate why it is bug and why developer need to fix this. It is very important to find best way for talking with developer. It is very long topic to discuss how Tester need to talk with developers and always it depends on team and methodology that team is using. At first, Tester is doing bug report to Product Owner, who is setting priorities and deciding what bugs need to fix. When developers don't want to fix something, Product Owner need to solve this problem, but Tester can help with this. Tester can say why it needs to be fixed.

At first, everyone should understand that all team is inside one boat and all of them want the same thing and that should be their product with high quality. Tester should have some personal skills, without them cant work. At first, they should be very friendly. It's very important to make friendly atmosphere in office. If there's a friendly atmosphere then Tester can make a report as a friend. But also, it's very important for Tester to look at team members in same. For example, if Tester is not writing about friend's bug in report, it's not friendship, it's fully way of friendship.

It is very important for Tester to be peaceful, calm, quiet and flexible. During your work you're having business with many kind of developers, product owners and clients.

Usually Testers are not only talking to developers, also, they're talking with clients. Everyone should remember, that client is always right. Sometimes clients are asking you to complete testing within one week, but for testing you need not less then two weeks. What to do? At first, you need to carefully tell about it to your client, and ask him more time. Client can say that one week is maximum that they can wait and you need to test it within one week. First thing that Tester need to do it prioritize things that needed to be tested.  For me from non-functional testing types security testing has highest priority. Before you need to do functional testing (at first can be testing main functions). After functionality testing you can do usability testing, performance testing, acceptance testing etc.
It's very important to have product without functional and security bugs, usability bugs. For example, there can be product without functional bugs, but with some design bugs that can be fixed for a short time. But also, there can be products, that design has very high priority. So Tester need to collaborate with Product Owner and understand what are expecting from Tester.

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